Saturday, February 04, 2012

Valentin day !! Sweeet from SAS.

 It will be a sweet valentine day ! whom will you spend time with ?
SAS valentine sires 1 to 5 .
Price per dress: 75 L
Where: LM to the Valentine Dresses
Marketplace:  Link to Marketplace 

I feel like in 50's 
wearing SAS's Tali  top and jeans set 
Isn't it COOL? 


SAS - Tali Red
SAS - Tali Blue Jeans
Vanity hair:: Pin Up HP
/artilleri/: greta sunglasses *red*
Miamai : Black Gloves
artistry by ~ E~ : Helena Earring , Blackmetal

1 comment:

Sascha Frangilli said...

Ooooooh very nice!!! And yes that pic of the Tali Red is superbly fifties! xxxxx